The air defense corps, equipped basically with anti-aircraft artillery and ground-to-air missile systems, carries out ground-to-air operations. The War that Changed the Pattern of Modern Naval Warfare 防空兵以高射炮、地空导弹武器系统为基本装备,遂行对空作战任务。改变现代海战模式的一次战役&英国海军航空兵奇袭意大利军港塔兰托
No, the Battleship isn't the end-all of naval warfare: it's more like the ultimate artillery piece, super-powerful against certain targets but something you still need to protect. 战列舰绝对不是海战终结者:它更像超级炮台,对于特定的目标超级强大但是仍然需要保护。
By the late4th century bc, armed deck soldiers had become so important in naval warfare that it was superseded by heavier ships. 在公元前4世纪末期,装甲兵在海战中很重要,因此该船被更重的船取代。
Multi-platform cooperative engagement is inevitable trend of the future naval warfare under condition of information. 多平台协同作战是信息条件下未来海战的必然趋势。
In modern naval warfare, men seldom fight hand to hand. 在现代海战中,很少短兵相接。
The War that Changed the Pattern of Modern Naval Warfare The EW Tactics in Air Strike Penetration of Local Wars 改变现代海战模式的一次战役&英国海军航空兵奇袭意大利军港塔兰托从局部战争看空袭突防的电子战战术
See is also commander, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command's ( SPAWAR) Space Field Activity ( SSFA) and program executive officer for Space Systems. 同时,他还担任空间和海战系统司令部空间活动处(SSFA)处长及太空系统执行官职务。
Simulation of Modern Naval Warfare Process 现代海战过程仿真研究
Since science and technology have been used more and more in weapon equipment, the naval warfare becomes more drastic. 由于武器装备科技含量的不断提高,使得海战对抗强度日益激烈。
Satellites and Naval Warfare 卫星与海战
Satellites and Naval Warfare Study of Naval EW Building 海军电子战建设研究
Naval Coordinate Operation Capability Network and Its Influence on Naval Warfare 海军协同作战能力网络及其对海战的影响
This paper introduces the requirement, components and functions of coordinate operation capability network, and analyses the influence probably giving rise to the coming naval warfare. 介绍了协同作战能力网络的需求、组成及功能,并对未来海战可能产生的影响进行分析。
Function and Development Trend of Main Artillery in Modern Naval Warfare 主炮在现代海战中的作用及发展趋势
The system is specially needed in naval warfare because of the bad conditions and the long prehospital time. 海战伤急救条件恶劣,院前时间长,更需建立评分-急救系统。
Naval coordinate operation capability network is a component part of network center warfare, which is constantly developing and will influence on the coming naval warfare. 海军协同作战能力网络是网络中心战的一个组成部分,正在不断发展且对未来海战产生一定的影响。
In modern naval warfare, the anti ship missile poses a great threat to surface combatants. 在现代海战中,反舰导弹对水面舰艇构成了巨大的威胁。
Satellites delivering timely information to the fleet will be essential to future naval warfare. 卫星覆盖面大,又能及时地将所收集的信息传输给舰队,对未来的海上作战至关重要。
Lanchester Equation is an useful tool to make simulation research on operation process, but has its limitation when used for analyzing modern naval warfare featuring main operation weapon of anti-ship missile. 兰彻斯特方程是对作战过程进行仿真研究的有利工具,但是用来分析以反舰导弹为主战兵器的现代海战却存在不便之处。
In modern naval warfare, ship-borne radar systems and airborne radar systems against electronic warfare is an important part of the process. 在现代海战中,舰载雷达系统与机载雷达系统之间的对抗是电子战过程中的重要一环。
In modern naval warfare, the emergence of new guidance theory for the torpedo hit targets accurately provides a solution. 在现代海战中,传统的导引方法已不能满足鱼雷对制导精度的要求,新的制导理论的出现为鱼雷精确命中目标提供了解决方案。
In modern naval warfare, the most threatening for the surface ship, especially big, medium-sized ships, is anti-ship missiles. 在现代海战中,对水面舰艇尤其是大、中型舰船来讲最具有威胁的就是反舰导弹。
Since its inception supercavitation weapons has aroused a great deal of concern the world, this high-tech achievements will completely change the pattern of future naval warfare. 自从超空泡武器问世以来便引起了世界的极大关注,这一高科技成果将彻底改变未来海战的格局。
In naval warfare, with the development of underwater weapons, non-contact underwater explosions growing threaten the security of warship equipments. As a power installation, the shock resistance capability of gas turbine is directly related to survivability and battle effectiveness of a warship. 在海战中,随着水中兵器的发展,水下非接触爆炸产生的冲击对舰船设备的安全威胁越来越大,燃气轮机作为舰船的动力装置,其抗冲击能力直接关系到舰船的生命力和战斗力。
Frogman Carrier is a device for carrying the frogman to campaign in the designated area clandestinely, it must be an important part in locate naval warfare in the future. 蛙人运载器是实现秘密运输蛙人到指定海域进行作战的一种装置,将在未来局部海战中发挥着重要作用。
Precision-guided anti-ship missile has become the main weapon in modern naval warfare. Radar seeker is one of the most common approaches to the terminal guidance for anti-ship missile. 精确制导反舰导弹是现代海战中的主要武器,雷达导引头是反舰导弹最常用的末制导方式之一。
Recently, ship detection and recognition in remote sensing imagery is becoming an intriguing subject for more and more researches because of its potential applications in areas such as fishery management, vessel traffic services, and naval warfare. 近年来,遥感舰船检测与识别问题因其在海洋渔业、海上运输管制和海上军事等领域的重要应用越来越受到人们关注。
The ship, especially aircraft carrier, called "the overlord of the sea" in naval warfare. 舰船,尤其是航空母舰在海军作战中素有海上霸主之称。
As the needs of modern naval warfare and the development of science and technology, naval guns have to continuously improve the technical performance. 随着现代海战的需要和科学技术的发展,对舰炮技术性能的要求也越来越高。
With the increasing complexity of electromagnetic environment in modern naval warfare, it is faced a variety of electromagnetic interference in anti-ship terminal guidance radar seeker, which poses a serious threat to the operational effectiveness of anti-ship missiles. 随着现代海战电磁环境的日趋复杂,末制导反舰雷达导引头将会面临各种各样的电磁干扰,对反舰导弹的作战效能构成了严重威胁。